Every man can get his living peacefully and sportively as the birds and bees . 人人都可以象小鸟和蜜蜂那样平静而欢乐地生活。
Have you told your son about the birds and bees 你给你儿子讲过有关性的基础知识了吗?
Puppy love is a teen movie filled with adolescent playfulness and innocence lost where two best friends girls meet two guys and begin to learn about the birds and bees all the while getting pecked and stung 此部80年代中期的青春喜剧片,为张卫健的处男电影,更是林姗姗在幕前最当时得令的演出,连片名亦向姗姗当年的电台节目三个小神仙借来。